Trash 005

Trash 005 Album Title:
Trash 005
Record Label:
Sweep Records
Catalog No.:
Release Date:
August 14, 2004
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The Trash series of CDs contain music to many small projects by Supersweep. Trash 005, featuring compositions from Shinji Hosoe and Yousuke Yasui, mainly features music from games called Exploding Goro and Bamboo Spear Death Squad. Is it worth picking up, considering the name?


The majority of the Trash 005 album deals with music from the aforementioned games. The first set of themes, from Exploding Goro, features an overall industrial sound. The mixture of ethnic influences, jazz, and rock help to distinguish each one of these themes from one another. I also suspect that, due to the style, the majority of these themes were composed by Shinji Hosoe. It’s not a bad set of themes, but it doesn’t particularly stand out like some of Supersweep’s major projects featuring that industrial sound.

The other game, Bamboo Spear Death Squad, also features an industrial sound for some of the themes, but at the same time, there is a bit more mystery involved in the overall feel of this game. At times, you’ll hear creepy chime instrumentation while at others, you’ll hear some chaotic strings, jazz, and rock influences, particularly in the boss theme. I found this to be a bit more engaging than Exploding Goro.

There are also two unpublished stage themes, but given the style, I do not think they were going into any of those games. These themes sound a bit more heroic in nature and sound more along the lines of the spacey and futuristic synth heard in some of Supersweep’s work. I think these would have worked well in a shmup.


Overall, these themes aren’t bad. Yet, at the same time, there isn’t anything that particularly stands out so I find it hard to justify a purchase. If you are a Supersweep fanatic, these albums are probably for you, but on the whole, there are some nice themes, particularly the unpublished stage themes. It’s fairly cheap at VGM World, so feel free to pick it up from there, should you be one of those fanatics.

Trash 005 Don Kotowski

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Posted on August 1, 2012 by Don Kotowski. Last modified on August 1, 2012.

About the Author

Currently residing in Philadelphia. I spend my days working in vaccine characterization and dedicate some of my spare time in the evening to the vast world of video game music, both reviewing soundtracks as well as maintaining relationships with composers overseas in Europe and in Japan.

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