
Browsing the "Sound Design" Tag

Nobuko Toda Profile

March 22, 2014 by Chris Greening

Having risen through the ranks on the Metal Gear series, she now independently composes and orchestrates film, television, and game projects

Martin O’Donnell Profile

March 18, 2014 by Chris Greening

Twenty years ago, who would have expected this jingle writer would go on to create the best-selling video game soundtracks of all time

Takayuki Nakamura Profile

April 13, 2013 by Chris Greening

Sega veteran turned freelancer famous for scoring fighting games (e.g. Virtua Fighter, Tobal) and puzzle titles (e.g. Lumines, Meteos)

Miki Higashino Profile

December 30, 2012 by Chris Greening

Retired Konami artist who sent ripples throughout the industry from her pioneering debut Gradius to her vast Suikoden scores ten years later

Hideaki Kobayashi Profile

December 30, 2012 by Chris Greening

Versatile artist most famous for creating the intense electro-orchestral scores for Phantasy Star Online and its successors

Koji Kondo Profile

December 30, 2012 by Chris Greening

Legendary sound leader of Nintendo EAD famous for composing the initial entries and iconic themes of the Super Mario and Zelda franchises

Jason Tai Interview: Scoring Alice’s Return

June 11, 2011 by Chris Greening

American McGee’s Alice caused a sensation eleven years ago with its twisted incarnation of Lewis Carroll’s fantasy protagonist. Alice: Madness Returns revisits the

Axel Rorhbach Interview: Boom Library

May 15, 2011 by Chris Greening

Boom Library is a set of commercial sound effects collections produced by Europe’s leading game sound production studio Dynamedion. Including the

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