Raiden V composer and soundtrack detailed
On February 25 2016, developer Moss will release their long-awaited revival of the Raiden series of shoot ’em ups. Entitled Raiden V, the title is an Xbox One exclusive.

Basiscape’s Yoshimi Kudo is scoring the title, having previously worked with Moss on Caladrius and Caladrius Blaze. Previous titles in the series were scored principally by Go Sato.
A soundtrack will be included in the first press edition of the game in Japan.
Posted on December 20, 2015 by Chris Greening. Last modified on December 20, 2015.
Tags: Raiden, Shooter, Yoshimi Kudo
About the Author
Chris Greening I've contributed to websites related to game audio since 2002. In this time, I've reviewed over a thousand albums and interviewed hundreds of musicians across the world. As the founder and webmaster of VGMO -Video Game Music Online-, I hope to create a cutting-edge, journalistic resource for all those soundtrack enthusiasts out there. In the process, I would love to further cultivate my passion for music, writing, and generally building things. Please enjoy the site and don't hesitate to say hello!
Alright!! Many thanks goes to you for putting this on the site, Chris. It really is…appreciated.
February 25th isn’t that far off, can’t absolutely wait!!! xD 
WOOW, Mr. Kudo is behind the Raiden V OST??! VERY Awe-Some!!!!!! xD I welcome that with open arms, what about you, Chris? It’s worth noting that on the Twitter MOSS Page, one of the directors stated that Kudo is going for a “Fresh New Feel”. Just wanted to let you know that, sir.
Thanks Jacob! I haven’t listened extensively to the earlier Raiden soundtracks but have been meaning too. Did you ever check out the Caladrius soundtracks?