
Protect Me Knight -The Princess’ Tokimeki Rhapsody- Soundtrack Vol. 1

 SRIN-1125 Album Title:
Protect Me Knight -The Princess’ Tokimeki Rhapsody- Soundtrack Vol. 1
Record Label:
Sweep Record
Catalog No.:
Release Date:
March 27, 2015
Buy at CD Japan


The Protect Me Knight 2 -The Princess’ Tokimeki Rhapsody- Soundtrack Vol. 1, recently released by Supersweep, contains the soundtrack to the second game in the Protect Me Knight series. While the first game’s soundtrack, yet to be released, was composed by Yuzo Koshiro, as his company made the game, the sequel, for the Nintendo 3DS, features music from Yuzo Koshiro and other influential 80s game music composers including Hiroshi “Hiro” Kawaguchi, Shinji “Megaten” Hosoe, Motoaki Furukawa, and Hisayoshi “OGR” Ogura, known for their various works for SEGA, Namco, Konami, and Taito, respectively. This collaboration, surprisingly enough, came about on Twitter, as was discussed at the Tokyo Game Music Festival in February, where early release copies of this soundtrack were being sold. Given this collaboration, how does the overall product turn out?


The album opens with Yuzo Koshiro’s “Go! Mamotte Knight!,” which is an extremely upbeat tune with an equally memorable melody. While it is short, as expected given the use of the music in game, there is a long version found towards the end of the soundtrack that helps scratch that itch. Koshiro’s other contributions include “To Victory!,” a march-like tune that, while not as engaging, does give off the preparation for battle and “From the Darkness,” an eerie piece of music that gives off an ominous tone. “Crimson Heart,” most likely a battle theme, is frenetic and tense, while “Protect Me Knight Theme” is an upbeat, jovial theme that has airs of celebration. “Three-Colored Sprite” is a more relaxing and pensive tune with a wonderful melody. There is also an up-tempo version of “Crimson Heart” featured on the soundtrack as well that makes the piece even more frenetic.

The other contributors to the album play a limited role with Hiroshi Kawaguchi contributing the most additional tracks. “Who’s In?” is an interesting tune with a playful atmosphere and a pretty decent melody as well. “Everyone Run!,” while not the strongest piece on the album, definitely features some nice sections, particularly in the percussion. “Endless Squall” is another theme that features a great melody that would fit right in with a Megaman game. There are also up-tempo versions of “Everyone Run!” and “Endless Squall.” In addition, there are original song versions of these themes that are using a richer chip library before being modified for use in the game. The other contributors all contribute a single tune.

Shinji Hosoe’s “Bon! Voyage” is a bubbly and bright tune with a strong melody. As with Kawaguchi’s tunes, there is also an original song version of his contribution that uses a richer chip library. Motoaki Furukawa’s “Oort Cloud,” of which there is also an up-tempo and original song version, is an excellent tune with some great progression and an overall heroic melody. It is certainly one of the highlights on the album.  Speaking of highlights, Hisayoshi Ogura’s “Retro-Nitro-Girl,” of which there is also an up-tempo version, is definitely my favorite track on the album. It has an Asian flair to it, but the melody is what makes it shine. It’s an extremely bubbly and bright tune with a memorable melody. It’s the one tune that I find myself randomly humming. The up-tempo version is also quite nice.

Last, but not least, Koshiro’s “8-bit Memories of Love” definitely hits all the ending theme notes found in the early era of gaming. In addition, there are also some chiptune vocals thrown into the mix as well. It’s a bubbly tune that’s a lot of fun.


In the end, this collaboration of classic gaming composers manages to succeed in creating a largely entertaining listen with a variety of soundscapes all done in the classic 8-bit style. Each composer plays to their strengths and the end result is a soundtrack that definitely hits all the nostalgia buttons. In addition, the up-tempo versions, also used in-game, help give a slightly different interpretation of the theme while the original song versions for certain pieces gives a look into what the music would sound like if composed for a more complex chiptune set. For fans of these composers, this album is certainly worth looking into, at the very least.

Thanks to Justin Pfeiffer and Stephen Meyerink for assisting with the tracklist translation as well as providing some insight into how the soundtrack for the game was planned.

Protect Me Knight -The Princess’ Tokimeki Rhapsody- Soundtrack Vol. 1 Don Kotowski

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Posted on May 12, 2015 by Don Kotowski. Last modified on July 20, 2016.

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About the Author

Currently residing in Philadelphia. I spend my days working in vaccine characterization and dedicate some of my spare time in the evening to the vast world of video game music, both reviewing soundtracks as well as maintaining relationships with composers overseas in Europe and in Japan.

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