Nanosweep 22
Album Title: Nanosweep 22 |
Record Label: Nanosounds, Supersweep |
Catalog No.: NS-022 |
Release Date: August 14, 2016 |
Purchase: Buy at Sweep Record |
NanoSweep is an ongoing series of original music that was initiated in 2004 by various members of NanoSounds and SuperSweep. It usually features members from each of these companies and occasionally a guest composer. This is the twenty-second original album and features compositions by Fumihisa Tanaka, Ayako Saso, Shinji Hosoe, Ryo Watanabe, and Takahiro Eguchi. How does this album fare as a whole?
The album opens with Fumihisa Tanaka’s “Sunday idiot,” a dance tune with a rap track over it. As it progresses, it moves into a more happy hardcore style with some ethereal synth sections. The end result is an extremely catchy piece of music, although the transitions featured throughout the piece are a bit abrupt and could have been handled a bit smoother, in my opinion. Saso’s “goes around in circles” is another dance tune featuring catchy beats and a nice progression with a bit of an industrial tone as well. Like “Sunday idiot,” it, too, features a rap track, but is much more laughable, especially in terms of lyrics. There are also Saso staple vocal samples with modified pitch that fit the tune a bit better.
In the end, Nanosweep22 manages to provide a variety of styles with various success in terms of execution. Fans of the series will certainly find something to enjoy and it’s nice hearing different styles from some of the artists. Striking is the absence of Hiroshi Okubo once more, but perhaps he’ll return for Nanosweep23.
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Posted on September 19, 2016 by Don Kotowski. Last modified on September 19, 2016.