
Hitoshi Sakimoto’s soundtrack for Dragon’s Crown being released

Two years after the release of the game, Basiscape Records have announced that they are publishing the orchestral soundtrack for VanillaWare and Atlus’ fantasy medieval RPG.


The three-disc, 56-track soundtrack will feature all the original music composed for the game, as well as bonus piano arrangements. All the music for the title was composed by Final Fantasy XII and Vagrant Story mastermind Hitoshi Sakimoto. Retailing for 3456 JPY, the soundtrack will be released this Autumn/Fall (release date to be confirmed).

Posted on July 20, 2015 by Chris Greening. Last modified on July 20, 2015.

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About the Author

I've contributed to websites related to game audio since 2002. In this time, I've reviewed over a thousand albums and interviewed hundreds of musicians across the world. As the founder and webmaster of VGMO -Video Game Music Online-, I hope to create a cutting-edge, journalistic resource for all those soundtrack enthusiasts out there. In the process, I would love to further cultivate my passion for music, writing, and generally building things. Please enjoy the site and don't hesitate to say hello!

2 Responses to Hitoshi Sakimoto’s soundtrack for Dragon’s Crown being released

  1. I had no idea Sakimoto composed this! I’m not going lie, I can only remember a handful of tracks from the game, but I’ll probably pick this up for those piano arrangements. I wonder if Ormond will do them. I think they mentioned a worldwide digital release for this as well!

  2. Don Kotowski says:

    I didn’t realize that the soundtrack had that much music, but then again, I didn’t really play all too much. The music definitely fit the setting of the game, so I’m looking forward to hearing it.

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