
Breath of Fire 6 -Ryuushou- Original Soundtrack

 bof6-ryuushou Album Title:
Breath of Fire 6 -Ryuushou- Original Soundtrack
Record Label:
Catalog No.:
Release Date:
July 27, 2016
Buy from Amazon Japan


The Breath of Fire series has seen a multitude of composers throughout its time. In its latest iteration, Breath of Fire 6, a mobile and web-based game, Tamiya Terashima, known for his earlier works with Falcom, serves as composer. How does his effort turn out for Breath of Fire 6 Original Soundtrack -Ryuushou- and how does it compare to his effort on the Breath of Fire 6 Original Soundtrack -Myakudou-?


The album opens with “Dragon Saying -RYUUGON”, a tune that opens with exotic vocals that mirrors “Invitation of the White Dragon” from Breath of Fire 6 Original Soundtrack -Myakudou- in progression, with its Celtic and orchestral sounds. The melody itself is quite strong and opens this soundtrack on a positive note. As with the first soundtrack, there are also a number of “Dragon Song” pieces as well. “Dragon Song <Star> (Peridot)” is a haunting strings driven vocal with a beautiful atmosphere while “Dragon Song <Hatred> (Black Dragon Miko)” is a dark and dramatic vocal tune with an enchanting melody. “Dragon Song <Fear> (Nina)” gives off a mystical and mysterious sound with its vocals while “Dragon Song <Fear> (Elena)” features the same melody as the “Nina” version with a more dramatic and ominous tone. Lastly, “Dragon Song <Moon> (Elena)” is a beautiful vocal tune with a fantasy feel.

In terms of action oriented tunes, “Time of War -SENKI-” has a militaristic march tone and some classically oriented piano that gives it a bit of a romantic feel to it. The melody itself is quite beautiful, but the accompaniment leaves a bit to be desired. “Fog of War -SENMU-” has a sweeping militaristic sound featuring choir, organ, and orchestra. The end result is tense, dramatic, and beautiful while “Threatening Fire -ENI-” is a dramatic, tense, and beautiful orchestral tune.

“Beautiful and Elegant -REIGA-” features ethereal vocals with a Japanese mood. The erhu adds a contemplative touch and helps reinforce the beautiful atmosphere. “Skyscraper -KOUROU-” is a harpsichord led piece featuring strings that gives off a classical air and a mysterious atmosphere while “Wide Metropolis -KOUTO-” features an airy melody with some electronic elements that give off a bit of a futuristic and modern vibe. Lastly, both “Festival Dancer -HANETO-” and “Sacrifice -SHISAI-” are both upbeat and jovial Celtic influenced pieces featuring catchy melodies and a great atmosphere.


All and all, the Breath of Fire 6 Original Soundtrack -Ryuushou- is a better listen than its predecessor. While I thought its predecessor lacked some of the charm found in some of the other entries in the series, I think that this album makes strides to provide some more interesting musical ideas. If the game’s music were to continue being released, I would hope they trended more towards what is present in this soundtrack.

Breath of Fire 6 -Ryuushou- Original Soundtrack Don Kotowski

Do you agree with the review and score? Let us know in the comments below!


Posted on October 6, 2016 by Don Kotowski. Last modified on October 6, 2016.

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About the Author

Currently residing in Philadelphia. I spend my days working in vaccine characterization and dedicate some of my spare time in the evening to the vast world of video game music, both reviewing soundtracks as well as maintaining relationships with composers overseas in Europe and in Japan.

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