
Annual Game Music Awards 2018 – Audio of the Year


We are pleased to present the winners in the ‘Audio of the Year’ category of the Annual Game Music Awards 2018. These panel-voted, officially-recognized awards provide a thorough and wide-reaching recognition of achievement in game music over the last year. The panelists have selected their choices by carefully considering the merit of the game music created this year — as art and entertainment, as part of in-game experiences and as part of stand-alone albums. Congratulations to all winners, runners-up, and nominees.



Outstanding Achievement — In-Game Music

Tetris Effect

The soundtrack to Tetris Effect caught a lot of us by surprise – rather than going a more traditional Korobeiniki/B Theme/C Theme route, Noboru Mutoh gave us a brand new, cutting-edge score, with each stage pulling a wildly different (but thematically appropriate) theme song, each complete with in-key sound effects and transitions based on player progress. 



Other Nominations

Donut Country
Octopath Traveler


Outstanding Achievement — Main Theme

Octopath Traveler Main Theme (Octopath Traveler)

Composer Yasunori Nishiki had a tall task ahead of him when composing the main theme to Octopath Traveler, a soundtrack packed with a wide array of wonderful themes. Thankfully, he delivered, with a melodic orchestral fanfare bringing together all the instruments that later go on to represent the iconic character and area themes in the game. 


Stars at our Backs – Monster Hunter: World

Other Nominations

Déraciné – Déraciné
Kara Main Theme – Detroit: Become Human
The Red Strings Club – The Red Strings Club


Outstanding Achievement — Vocal Theme

Always Been But Never Dreamed (Tetris Effect)

In a game awash with vocal themes, choosing a frontrunner was not easy. However, Noboru Mutoh’s striking final stage theme of Tetris Effect, featuring vocals from Kate Brady, brought the soundtrack to a breathtaking close. 


A Moment of Eternity (Xenoblade 2: Torna, the Golden Country)

Other Nominations

Guidance – Monster Hunter: World
Remember, We Got Your Back – Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth
Wayward Daughter – Stormblood: Final Fantasy XIV

Outstanding Achievement — Instrumental Theme (Non-Main Theme)

Scattered and Lost (Celeste)

It’s tracks like “Scattered and Lost” that brought the team at VGMO to create this category for our 2018 awards- to celebrate excellent themes that don’t quite fit the “Main Theme” category, but certainly deserve recognition.  “Scattered and Lost” became a fan-favorite track very quickly after Celeste‘s release, with its light, catchy melody that slowly descends into a dark, anxiety-laden battle theme. 


Memories of Mother – God of War
Those Who Govern Reason – Octopath Traveler

Other Nominations

Raven Cave – Fighting EX Layer
This City Must Survive – Frostpunk

Posted on February 13, 2019 by Emily McMillan. Last modified on February 13, 2019.

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About the Author

A native and lifelong Texan, I currently work in software education while contributing news, reviews, and interviews to VGMO on the side. I love the feeling that comes with the discovery of a brand new soundtrack, and always look forward to the next rekindling of that excitement. Outside of VGMO, I enjoy playing piano, listening to classical music and film scores, and trying to go unnoticed in any stealth RPG I can find.

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