
Ar tonelico Original Soundtrack

artonelico Album Title:
Ar tonelico -Melody of Elemia- Original Soundtrack
Record Label:
Team Entertainment
Catalog No.:
Release Date:
December 21, 2005
Buy at CDJapan


Ken Nakagawa – Composer

Many thanks for buying the soundtrack album for Ar tonelico. The world of Ar tonelico, which you will travel through in the game, is a delicate and mysterious one. When we made music for the title, we established a unique type of musicianship that crossed several genres and united various artists. However, we also ran into various hardships during the production.

The sound chief for this title was Tsuchiya-san. Taking the role of supreme commander of this project, he immediately began seeking artists. With its emphasis on choral work, strong musical pieces, and different genres, the soundtrack is the result of a fully-fledged Gust collaboration. I know that we probably couldn’t have accomplished this if it wasn’t thanks to everyone else who worked with us in this project. If you examine the whole of the soundtrack, you can see that we incorporated a variety of musical styles while giving off a warm aura — the same aura that the game’s world gives in a sense. The soundtrack is a representation of the world that Tsuchiya so skilfully created.

For this work, we decided to stop using the traditional sound sequencers we have been working with since the formation of Gust and instead enhanced the overall quality of the work through using streamed playback. My personal favorite songs are the ones that we were able to compose through the use of the wind samples, and these are the ones that left the most impression on me. I hope we have another chance of doing a similar project. Capturing charming characters and a world that overflows with originality, we hope that the sounds of Ar tonelico reach you. We’ll be very happy if you find a favorite tune during the course of your adventures.

Daisuke Achiwa – Composer

I felt something — a certain mood or taste — many times while I was producing this brand new title. Was this the feeling of taking on a new challenge?

Regardless of everything, we creators always went in with courage and used all of our strength to embrace Ar tonelico. It’s always so fun when drawing on a blank canvas. When doing so, we creators feel a fresh sense of excitement. We’ll be really happy if the feelings we had when creating the vast components of this project reach all of you.

Now I recall, when I began playing video games, I was always excited when a brand new game title was released. I felt many feelings playing them; regardless of whether the games were interesting, boring, or difficult to understand, I always thought each title had some good content in them, even in the ones that had very few good points. Even if I had to use my limited money to purchase the game, I was always expectant and anxious. But when I started playing the game, these sensations changed to a strange sensation of nervousness. These might be the feelings I want to convey to you all.

While considering these feelings of nervousness and admiring those splendid creations, I’ve done my best to help with the creation of various titles and series at Gust Corporation. I think that the series we have continued to work on aren’t unpopular by any means. The Ar tonelico series looks like it has turned into a very popular brand too, and I hope that the players familiar with our works will keep aspiring to journey into more worlds overflowing with adventure. We’ve tried to gather great expectations for this new title and this has grown to be our motivating force. We will show to our fans that supporting us is not a mistake.

I hope you all will also support Ar tonelico. Though it’s currently only a sapling, we hope that we will be able to grow the literature into a great tree. And as its creators, we’ll be as happy as any of you if it does.

Akira Tsuchiya – Lead Designer / Sound Director

The music I composed here was specially made to entertain everyone. Like many other times before, I took the opportunity to allow everyone to experience the sound work of this game in an individual way.

The sounds and the songs are the main concepts of this game. I was determined to make the music, be it background music or vocal themes, even better than the many other tracks I have composed before. To consolidate my view of this world, and make the ambience of each place expressive and unique, I needed to reconsider everything from an audio perspective. In doing so, I had to do many retakes to establish the concept and details that defined the world of Ar tonelico.

Even though I only could compose two songs this time, I collaborated with singers, lyricists, composers and, finally, the sound staff of the company to accomplish this. They each helped earnestly in crafting this one world and, working in harmony, we created a setting for the world based on the sounds. And so, all the workers of the company influenced my work and I had a lot of fun doing it. I hope that you end up liking the world of this game more than any other one. I wrote the scenario, though the singers contributed greatly by sharing their own experiences too. So in this respect, everyone made the music of this game. The sound are full of love in so many ways, and because of that, I’m proud of having worked on this project.

Moving on, when I was tasked with this project, it became an important turning point in my career as a musician. Certainly, I think that our work will satisfy everyone that plays the game. However, this is not the end. The next time, we will be departing on a new adventure and we will craft a work that will surpass even this. From now on, and forever, we will be happy to be of your acquaintance.

I give my heartfelt thanks to all those people listening to the soundtrack for your very important contribution. The power of the sounds is really amazing. And if you can feel that, even in a small way, there’s nothing else that could make me happier.

Was yea ra chs hymmnos mea
(I will be glad to turn myself into a song)

Translated by Gerardo Iuliani. Edited by Chris Greening. Please do not republish without written permission.


Posted on June 4, 2014 by Gerardo Iuliani. Last modified on September 20, 2014.

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About the Author

A Venezuelan that spends his days studying languages, translating as a hobby and playing videogames. Is also a frequent listener of video game music, particularly that composed by the Gust Inc. composers and related artists.

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