
Akira Yamaoka would love to return for Silent Hills

Last week, the cleverly released PT demo for Silent Hills caught the gaming world by surprise. Not only was it a relentlessly scary experience (that kept me awake for like three days), but it turned out that it was, in fact, a playable teaser (hence PT) for the next iteration of Silent Hill, which will be made by the dream team Guillermo Del Toro and Hideo Kojima.

However, there was still one name all fans were longing to hear, Akira Yamaoka, the guy who gave soul to the Silent Hill series through his music. Even though he had worked on most of the original games, up to Shattered Memories, he had recently left Konami to become artist director at Grasshopper Manufacture. While replacement Daniel Licht gave both Downpour and Book of Memories amazing scores, one point remains: Akira’s original music IS Silent Hill.

Recently, when the Silent Hill fanpage MySilentHill sent Mr Yamaoka a question asking “would he consider working on the new Silent Hills?” He replied with the words “Sure I’d be happy too!”. Hopefully Kojima is listening, and since he is very open-minded about fan feedback, will bring Mr. Akira in. Let’s just hope we get performances by both Troy Baker and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn as well. Fingers Crossed!

Lastly, keep your eyes on our website if you are a Silent Hill fan, as I will be not only covering Akira’s work on Silent Hill and its influence, but also the soundtracks of the series overall.

Posted on August 19, 2014 by Harris Iqbal. Last modified on August 20, 2014.

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About the Author

Lover of games and humble listener of music, not to mention A HUGE FAN. I love anything that has memorable melodies in it, or a good story to tell. Also... huge horror fan... HUGE! So, Silent Hill is the best Survival Horror game ever... NO DEBATE! Anyways, the previous version of this site was where I first got my writing start in 2009, with the help of Chris Greening. Now, with around 5 years of experience writing for various websites, I plan to give you some really kickass articles!

One Response to Akira Yamaoka would love to return for Silent Hills

  1. That would be too good. I would be absolutely ecstatic. If it does happen though, I hope it isn’t too forced or anything, given the pressure that is now on this game.

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