Our Team

I’d like to thank the numerous people who have helped the site grow into what it is today. I appreciate everyone who has played a part, whether it be providing information, contributing reviews, making forum posts, or simply visiting. Please contact us if you would like to become a regular reviewer or translator at the site. Translation roles are fully reimbursed and reviewer roles are rewarded with evaluation copies.

Site Leaders

Name Location Joined Role
Chris Greening Australia / UK 2002 Editor-in-Chief, Site Leader
Emily McMillan Texas 2014 Editor-in-Chief, Western Coverage Leader
Don Kotowski Pennsylvania 2006 Japanese Coverage Leader

Senior Editors

Name Location Joined Role
Oliver Jia Pennsylvania 2012 Japanese Coverage Editor
Simon Elchlepp Australia / Germany 2010 Western Coverage Editor
KT Wong Singapore 2015 Western Coverage Editor
Mathew Gallagher UK 2017 News Editor
Joe Hammond UK 2010 Features Editor
Ben Schweitzer Massachusetts 2010 Translation & Localisation Editor
Gerardo Iuliani Venezuela 2012 Translation & Localisation Editor
Tomoko Akaboshi New York 2015 Translation & Localisation Editor
Stephen Meyerink Japan 2016 Translation & Localisation Editor


For a list of all people who have contributed to the site, check this page. Our current casual contributors are listed below:

Name Location Joined Role
Greg Fisher  Texas  2017  Reviews
Reilly Farrell California 2018 Reviews
Michael J. Hughes Texas 2017 Reviews
Eugene Lopez Texas 2017 Features
Lee Neikirk Kentucky 2017 Reviews
Stephen Taylor Virginia 2016 Reviews


Special Thanks

Many thanks to everyone listed above for their amazing contributions. I’d like to give an additional thanks to all staff who have taken a hands-on role in editing the site over the years, especially Simon Elchlepp, Don Kotowski, Dave Valentine, Harry Simons, Eduardo Friedman, Marc Friedman, Shota Nakama, Andre Marentette, Luc Nadeau, Sophia Tong, and Andrew Oldenkamp. Thanks also to all those who also helped to build a wonderful community at Game Music Online and its predecessor. The success of the site is a testament to the strength and dedication of its community.

Thank you to all other webmasters and contributors out there who have built up other resources dedicated to game music. Everyone’s contributions have helped to give game music the recognition it deserves and many contributions have served as a direct inspiration for me. Finally, thank you to numerous game composers, fan arrangers, album manufacturers, game companies, and concert producers for enthusiastically supporting the site over the years. It’s been quite a ride and everyone mentioned on this page, as well as numerous others, have made it a worthwhile one.

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