Overdrive Hell 16 -Hizumi Heaven Only Lived Twice-
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Album Title: Overdrive Hell 16 -Hizumi Heaven Only Lived Twice- |
Record Label: Troubadour Record |
Catalog No.: HZMT-0016 |
Release Date: October 25, 2014 |
Purchase: Buy at Sweep Record |
overdrive hell 16 – Hizumi Heaven Only Lives Twice is the sixteenth iteration in a series of hardcore and experimental electronic EPs featuring Ayako Saso and Shinji Hosoe. In addition, a new composer, X, who has yet to be identified, returns to the fray. While not for everyone, it does feature some interesting music for those fans of this style of electronic music. All of the themes on this album feature track titles inspired by the James Bond series. How does this album compare to the previous entries in the ongoing series?
The album opens with “Lesson.69 It’s Japanese Style” and is probably the most entertaining tune in the entire overdrive hell series. It blends together so many elements quite well and nothing feels out of place. From the sultry and sexy brass and jazz piano opening to the big band feel to the Asian instrumentation and vocal samples mixed perfectly with the hardcore beat that isn’t too abrasive. “Lesson.70 Bond Aron Alpha” is another interesting tune. While it doesn’t do as much musically, the overall feel is one that definitely feels more atmospheric despite its nature. There are some interesting brass sections, the hardcore beats one might expect with the series, and various vocal samples ranging from singing samples to Rastafarian samples. Despite the variety of sounds, it still manages to sound cohesive without really becoming overbearing.
“Lesson.71 TOMICA 2000GT” is an extremely simple piece, but one that really manages to provide a very atmospheric and entertaining listen, as though one is driving down the road. The beat isn’t too invasive, there is a nice ethereality in the melody line, and the added vocal samples don’t really hurt the piece too much. “Lesson.72 You Only Live Twice Die Thrice” has a bit of an industrial vibe to it. There is some awesome bass guitar lines that really work with the atmospheric sections of the piece and while it isn’t the most melodically focused piece, there is a strong cohesion in this piece as well.
“Lesson.73 Vertical rotating bed” ends the album with a bang. Opening with some atmospheric Japanese instrumentation it quickly moves into heavy beats and guitar riffs with a reasonable tempo. The focus on more melodic elements is there, which is a nice touch, although there is definitely an element of chaos with the vocal samples and rave horns. Overall, it’s a strong piece and one that manages to close the EP with energy and nothing that isn’t too off-putting.
While the overdrive hell series has generally not been for the faint of heart, I honestly think that this is an album that keeps those who may have been turned away from the style of music typically present in mind. There is more focus on trying to create something musically pleasing to listen to while at the same time keeping the core aspects of the series intact. It’s a nice blend of musical ideas and is without a doubt the strongest album in the series in my opinion. Fans on the fence might want to take a listen to the samples above as they are a good representation of what you’d expect on the final album.
Do you agree with the review and score? Let us know in the comments below!
Posted on December 3, 2014 by Don Kotowski. Last modified on December 3, 2014.