Overdrive Hell 26 -Hizumi Tengoku Mimi wo Hizumasereba-
Album Title: Overdrive Hell 26 -Hizumi Tengoku Mimi wo Hizumasereba- |
Record Label: Troubadour Record |
Catalog No.: HZMT-0026 |
Release Date: August 10, 2018 |
Purchase: Buy at Sweep Record |
overdrive hell 26 -Hizumi Tengoku Mimi wo Hizumasereba- is the twenty sixth iteration in a series of hardcore and experimental electronic EPs featuring Ayako Saso and Shinji Hosoe. While not for everyone, it does feature some interesting music for those fans of this style of electronic music. In addition, this album features returning vocals by Nazo no vu~o ̄ ! Karisuto Death. How does this album compare to the previous entries in the ongoing series?
The album opens with “Lesson.119 LAN-LAN-LALA-LAN,” an intense hardcore techno tune with plenty of vocal screaming, both high pitched and more guttural. There are also some horror-esque sounds in the background. The end result is a typical approach for the series since the move to include vocals. “Lesson.120 Ride you on me” opens with guttural vocals over some fantastic beats and funky bass work. The melody in the background comes from a Studio Ghibli film, although at the moment, I’m unsure of which one. The vocals certainly detract but the background melody and bass work are good additions. “Lesson.121 Harry two meter you me know” is another intense hardcore techno tune that switches between the heavy industrial sound and beautiful piano and vocal passages. The use of the more abrasive vocals are also kept to a minimum. The end result is certainly the most interesting tune on the album, but is also quite dichotic.
“Lesson.122 CHO-MATEYO” opens with soft piano of another Ghibli tune before adding distortion and moving to a more hardcore sound with frenetic and chaotic synth accompaniment that supports a piano/synth rendition of the piano melody from the beginning of the tune. The end result is another interesting tune, but is certainly not for everyone. The minimal use of vocals is also appreciated as well. Lastly, the album ends with “Lesson.123 Country Roads 111,” a tune that layers hard beats and abrasive vocals over top a synth rendition of John Denver’s “Take Me Home, Country Roads.” It’s so weird hearing it in this particular tune and as this particular version, but I do like the synth choices for the classic American tune, sans the section that has an out of tune violin briefly playing it. It’s another tune that adds a recognizable melody and transforms it into something more intense.
overdrive hell 26 -Hizumi Tengoku Mimi wo Hizumasereba-, much like its predecessors, is an album that is not for everyone. This entry features a mix of tunes that feature the more abrasive vocals prominently and those where it is kept to a minimum. The recognizable melodies in some of the tunes are also a welcome addition, although some may not appreciate the treatment they received on this album. Fans of the series will certainly enjoy it, but it’s a cautious recommendation for the average listener.
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Posted on October 9, 2018 by Don Kotowski. Last modified on October 9, 2018.