Serial Cleaner soundtrack features jazzy 70s music

The Steam game Serial Cleaner is a stealth action game where the player’s job is to dispose of any incriminating evidence from various murder scenes – this includes finding a way to remove the bodies without being caught. The developers at iFun4All have described the game as having a 1970s aesthetic that treats its dark subject matter with humor; the flashy, stylized artwork reflects both the setting of the game and its unique tone.

For the score, the Krakow-based iFun4All invited a larger-than-usual of composers to create a diverse soundtrack, filled with a range of funk-jazz sounds that go from brassy to electronic. The soundtrack brought together the talents of Rob Zahn, Robert Purzycki, Magda Urbańska, Piotr Jerzyk and Jan Sanejko to create a surprisingly upbeat and lighthearted sequence of tracks – juxtaposed with starkly grim titles (e.g., “Music to Hide Bodies To”).

While the game’s release has been quiet, the bright, jazzy tunes of Serial Cleaner are unique in the world of indie soundtracks, and caught our attention as something that will hopefully see a release in the near future. In the meantime, tracks can be heard in the game itself, and pre-mastered tracks can be sampled in the Soundcloud link above.

Posted on January 27, 2017 by Emily McMillan. Last modified on January 27, 2017.

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About the Author

A native and lifelong Texan, I currently work in software education while contributing news, reviews, and interviews to VGMO on the side. I love the feeling that comes with the discovery of a brand new soundtrack, and always look forward to the next rekindling of that excitement. Outside of VGMO, I enjoy playing piano, listening to classical music and film scores, and trying to go unnoticed in any stealth RPG I can find.

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