New Undertale jazz album from insaneintherainmusic
Youtube jazz musician insaneintherainmusic performs covers of classic video-game tunes. His most recent album consists of a compilation of jazz cover pieces from the recent Undertale game, the soundtrack of which has generated a slew of cover pieces since its release last year. Since beginning his work with cover music in 2013, insaneintherainmusic has released one other album, Back to Your Littleroots in 2014, which is now available on Loudr.
His latest album is Live at Grillby‘s, a deliciously fun nine-track album that remakes popular Undertale covers from his Youtube channel along with a few new surprises. The album features more than simply jazz; insaneintherain also extends his range to unseen territories, such as bebop.
If you’re a fan of impressive improvisational noodling and still obsessed with MEGALOVANIA, then this album is worth checking out on Bandcamp, where it can be purchased for 8 USD.
Posted on February 6, 2016 by Chris Hayman. Last modified on January 5, 2017.
Tags: insaneintherainmusic, Undertale
About the Author
Chris Hayman Howdy! I'm Chris Hayman, better known as the aforementioned. I'm currently enrolled at Humber College in Toronto taking a 4 years Bachelors Course in Film and Media Production. I'm trying to break out into screenwriting, and what better way to practice my writing then by working on professional reviews for this lovely website? I first became passionate about video game music after playing Pokemon Black with headphones on one lonely night. For the first time ever, I was listening to the music rather then keeping it as background noise. 6 years of pestering my friends about video game music later, I'm still absolutely obsessed. My favourite game composers are Kenichi Tokoi, Taku Inoue, Junichi Masuda, Mark Mothersbaugh, Hideyuki Fukasawa, and Jake Kaufman. I could probably dedicate this entire paragraph to just listening the people I like. Non-video game related artists I love include Electric Light Orchestra, Michael Giacchino, Henry Jackman, Madeon, OneRepublic... I have eccentric tastes. The best way to contact me is through my email,